magnetic light switch covers

Magnetic Light Switch Covers

Model: SensorMass2025030105


Rocker magnet switch safety cover, transparent protective cover for rocker switch to prevent baby from opening. The Magnetic Switch protective cover will prevent the motion detector from opening. It is not recommended to use this Light switch lock on the motion sensor.


  • Beautiful
  • Waterproof
  • Safe
  • Easy to use


  • On all rocker switches.


magnetic light switch cover plate
magnetic light switch guard cover
magnetic switch led
magnetic switch

Are metal light switch covers safe?

For your safety, choose metal switch plates. They won’t crack or break off exposing internal wiring. They are your most durable and reliable choice.

How does a magnetic light switch work?

In the normally open position, the metal reed-like blades remain separated. However, when a magnet approaches from any direction around the switch, the contacts are pulled together and the circuit is completed. Once the magnetic field is removed, the contacts are able to separate and the circuit is reopened.

How to prevent a light switch from being turned off?

For cheap/convenience reasons you can sometimes use something like a zip tie, cut it short, about a half inch long, and wedge it between the switch and the plate. For a more complicated fix you can screw something into the deeper plate on top of the switch to force it to stay on all the time.

What is the thing called that covers the light switch?

Switch Plate Covers. The formal name for the plastic plates around light switches, outlets, etc. are called switch plate covers or outlet covers. These covers serve both functional and aesthetic purposes in a building’s electrical system.

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