Williams Controls Throttle Position Sensor Wiring

How to do the wiring Williams Control throttle position sensor? Take WCS-133284 as an example, it will have a unique connector, the users just need to plug in the connector as per the bellowing diagram to the end attached to the vehicle. Williams Controls Throttle Position Sensor Wiring Diagram:

Throttle Position Sensor error

Here is the real picture where the Williams Control Throttle Position Sensor is installed onto a Cummins engine.

Williams Controls Throttle Position Sensor Calibration

It is important to know How to calibrate the throttle position sensor when a Throttle Position Sensor Error. Calibrating your throttle position sensor is a relatively easy process that can be done at home or workshop. Here are several simple steps to calibrate your car’s throttle position sensor (TPS):

  • Start the Car, But Don’t Drive: Turn the key to the ‘On’ position so the car’s lights and electronics come on, but don’t start the engine. Make sure your foot isn’t on the gas pedal, and wait for three seconds.
  • Tap Dance on the Gas: Press the gas pedal all the way down and let it go back up five times in just five seconds.
  • Pause for a Moment: After you’ve done the gas pedal dance, wait for 10 seconds before you do anything else.
  • Watch for the Light: Keep an eye on the Check Engine Light. Wait until it stays on and stops blinking for about 20 seconds.
  • Lift Your Foot and Start the Engine: Once the Check Engine Light is steady, take your foot off the gas pedal within three seconds, then start the car.
  • Let It Idle and Test: Let the car sit and idle for 20 seconds. To make sure everything’s good, rev the engine a couple of times. This checks if the timing and idle speed are just right.

The above process ensures Williams Controls throttle position sensor testing is in good condition, and avoids unnecessary repairs at the roadside.

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